Tag Archives: bird

The whip-poor-will

8 Aug

I’ve spent many hours now, compiling a list of all the threatened and endangered species that may have a range that intersects with the property.   I’ll be posting the status sheets and information on the endangered birds, mammals, plants, amphibians and fish.  I’ll also be listing which of the threatened species we have discovered finding sanctuary on our property.  Hope there are a lot of success stories to tell… 

I can start with our first “success” story – the Whip-poor-will.  This bird, though rarely seen, continues to drive us crazy at night as it continually hoots it’s very loud and mournful cry, seemingly throughout the night. 


The Whip-poor-will is usually found in areas with a mix of open and forested areas, such as open woodlands or openings in more mature, deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. It forages in these open areas and uses forested areas for roosting (resting and sleeping) and nesting. It lays its eggs directly on the forest floor, where its colouring means it will easily remain undetected by visual predators.